FincalFincal Financial Calculators
🕌 Zakat Calculator

Free Financial Calculators for Every Money Goal

Plan your future with our comprehensive suite of calculators for mortgages, 401k, CD rates, loan payments, retirement savings, paycheck estimates, and investment returns. No signup required.

Free, Online, Simple, and Easy to Use

📈 Investment Calculators

Project investment growth, compare returns, calculate compound interest, and plan retirement savings. Tools include future value, time value of money, dividend reinvestment, and retirement calculators.

💵 Loan & Mortgage Calculators

Free online loan and mortgage calculators to estimate payments, compare rates, and plan early payoffs. Tools for home equity, boat, RV, and commercial loans. Make informed financial decisions.

☪️ Islamic Calculators

Make Shariah-compliant financial decisions with our specialized Islamic calculators. Calculate Zakat obligations, evaluate Halal investments, and plan Sukuk financing while adhering to Islamic principles that prohibit interest (Riba). Trusted tools for modern Muslims.